Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The sky's 'aglow tonight.

This would have been a good time
Now would have been the moment
When your presence could mean much
More than just half-drunk cups of coffee, late night sobbing,
Worthless men, sexcapades, and dreams of making it out of that system

We often talked about when the change would come
How we'd be THIS and show the world
Stand up and actualize...
Prove that we are more than mere failures

There is much more to our stories than retries
We are women worth all the glories within
We knew this then
But wondered what it'd feel like
Once the world caught on

Now, would have been good
We could have looked back and said
Damn, and to think we were so stuck in that rut

But instead, you're the shining light to the darkened path I step on tonight
And you don't even know
Like the stars glowing to earth
Adored from here,
And you don't even know

You made good on that promise
Severed the ties and walked out to light
Be sure to know I am so proud
And never once did I doubt that you ever could

Now instead, you're the shining light to the darkened path I step on tonight
And you don't even know
Like the stars glowing to earth
Adored from here,
And you don't even know

So far away,
A star on my dark path tonight
I feel your light hold my wrist and urge me on
Your words ringing in my ears like you were here
...and you don't even know.

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